
The Texas Commission for Environmental Quality (TCEQ) has designated six priority groundwater management areas (PGMA) in Texas. These are areas where the underlying aquifer is being reduced much faster than it is being recharged. Without groundwater management these PGMAs are expected to experience critical water shortages within the next 25 years. The map below shows the PGMAs of Texas, including the one in which Southern Trinity Groundwater Conservation District resides.

The bottom map shows the major (Trinity) and minor (Woodbine and Brazos River Alluvium) aquifers. Wells located within the boundaries of the minor aquifers may be pumping from the minor aquifer or the Trinity, which lies below depending on the depth of the well. The Trinity aquifer has been over pumped the past several decades and is considered a priority groundwater management area. For this reason, all well owners and operators, especially those pumping from the Trinity, are asked to practice water conservation in an effort to extend the usability of the Trinity aquifer.

BRAAI Final Reportaquifer graphic